The Savage Nation: Saving America from the Liberal Assa… (2024)

Jeff Wilder

6 reviews3 followers

March 21, 2014

This is a vile, rancid, festering pile of scum. Not because it's written from a conservative viewpoint. In fact, I want to apologize to my conservative friends for linking them to this nutjob.

Savage is not a conservative. He is a hatemonger pure and simple. The book is full of bile, all opinion and no facts or sources cited to back up those opinions. To top it off, it's awfully written, full of wording errors and a few typos.

Looking for a political book by a conservative writer. Try something by Larry Elder, Thomas Sowell, Neal Boortz, Charles Krauthammer or Mona Charen. Their books are written well, make their points in a logical manner and have sources to back up their opinions. Buy The Savage Nation if you'd like. It might come in hand when you're in need of toilet paper.


65 reviews2 followers

May 17, 2008

I am a true conservative but I want some facts, some quotes, some bibliographical attribution for the incredible statements Savage makes in this book. It is one long rant with no documentation to back his claims. This is NOT the way for the conservative movement to gain legitimacy in the American political diologue.



105 reviews6 followers

June 23, 2011

hated it. i find savage to be narrow-minded and self-righteous. i read this once, a long time ago per an assignment to expose myself to something completely opposite of my own ideals. as a result, i can't think of any examples offhand, but i remember thinking that many of his statements seemed to contradict each other. a truly distasteful experiment in literature.


34 reviews11 followers

May 13, 2010

When I bought this book at the local used book store, the owner had to go in the back room to find it. I guess displaying this work of conservative opinion would discredit his liberal storefront. The owner even warned me that he is not responsible for what I read in this book, and I assured him I could handle it and that I was a regular listener of his radio show.

What I like about Mr. Savage is that he, unlike many in our nation, take things very seriously and he expresses his concern and anger in a way that can put many people off. While he can be a little hard to swallow at times, I think that this country needs people like him. His energy and passion is something that leaders nowadays lack.


46 reviews1 follower

March 15, 2013

This book is not literary prose. I gave it 5 stars because Savage is a visionary when it comes to political analysis years before the events come into play. If you know someone who is low-information and needs to have the political discourse written in a format that will engage an otherwise politically disengaged citizen, this is the book for them. Further, Savage injects the right amount of humor in a framework that appeals to everyday Americans. Well worth the time. A fast read.


6 reviews1 follower

April 10, 2010

Uncle Mike is a true liberal in every sense of the word. I have been listening to his radio show since I'm 19 (as he would say). He bashed Bush during his presidency and currently bashes Obama. He is one of the few who is not guided by a political label. He knows what is good for a nation: borders, language, and culture. I like listening/reading Savage for his everday encounters i.e. standing in the Subway sandwich line and getting annoyed by the people on their cell phones. Listen/read Savage and you'll get a kick as well an awakening.


7 reviews

June 12, 2012

are you a fan of a book that contains nothing but the author's complaints/ rants? If yes, then grab a copy of this book, it will be your finest hour.

I am not that closed-minded with other people's ideas, but PLEASE if you are only basing your arguments on your own personal opinion and observation without even proper backing or simple statistics to prove your point, then how can a reader convince him/herself to believing that what you are saying is recognizably existent and academically verifiable?


December 23, 2015

Extreme right wing politics. Very interesting, some good arguments, some faulty arguments, but enlightening consistently. Loses some steam when he tells stories of his youth, but overall very good.

    non-fiction non-fiction-politics

Chad J

133 reviews3 followers

May 15, 2015

Michael Savage is an aquired taste. He is not for everyone. Even people on the Conservitive side don't care for his views or rants from time to time. You may not agree with Michael on everything he says, but you can take it to the bank that he will stand by everything that comes out of his mouth. Michael's talk show has lots of yelling and down talking, so even I can only take so much before turning the channel, but his books are loaded with great facts and leasons that we should all pay attention to.

Again if you are a Liberal, go the other way because these are not the books for you.

If you have high blood pressure, avoid his radio show. LOL

If your a Conservitive, don't let his radio show turn your away. Give the books a chance. You just may find you agree with more things Michael says than you thought you would have.


Roger Miller

439 reviews26 followers

November 17, 2012

The Savage Nation was first written in 2004, reading it 8 years later was illuminating. Michael Savage is absolutely correct the left is a determined enemy of our countries Language, borders and culture. I would not use the rhetoric he uses, but I come away convinced that as an american I need to be vocal that my American is an english speaking country where only immigrants who follow the rules are allowed in and that our culture of traditional values remain. Thank you Michael Savage for having the courage to be outspoken for our language, borders and culture.


66 reviews1 follower

March 19, 2009

Ultra conservative radio talk show host of "The Savage Nation" gives his opinions of the decline of our country due to straying from our founding father's values, illegal immigration, abundance of unnecessary government programs and liberal agendas, lack of allowing capitalism to run it's course and correct the economy, ect. are topics discussed. The author's humor, values and opinons make for a great read!

Matthew Broman

41 reviews2 followers

January 12, 2015

thought it was really good and well written by a very educated guy who knows what he's talking about. He sees this country heading towards disaster as long as the liberal left is in control of everything and pushes their agenda of a NWO but he is a trie patriot and fighter in defense of what America used to be and stand for once upon a time. ..I think this is a must read for everyone who calls themselves an "American".


140 reviews

September 28, 2010

This book is entertaining but extreme, at least for me, but some of it makes good points. It seems to take aim at a lot of strawmen that are pretty easy to knock down but doesn't seem to fairly engage less extreme and more widespread perspectives as much as I'd like. I agree with a good number of the general principles in the book, but he takes them farther than I would.


103 reviews

July 30, 2007

If this book had not been given to me (thanks Lumpkins), I would never have picked it up. I would offer to swap with you, but decided it was better sent to the paper recycle bin. What a @#$#!@.


26 reviews2 followers

February 9, 2013

His arguments are hard to follow because all he does is name call. He's part of the reason why liberals think all conservatives are morons.

Michael Toleno

214 reviews

October 6, 2023

Broad but not too deep. As entertaining as Michael Savage. I read this over two years ago, so I don't recall much about the book. The author is very thoughtful and educated, no matter whether you agree with his opinions or like his style.



65 reviews1 follower

September 19, 2018

A little extreme in places, but overall pretty good.

Steve Wilson

Author2 books2 followers

February 17, 2021

Savage is hardcore, but entertaining. Too ideologically frank and unbending for me, but makes his case with a fun, easy to read style.

Alan Casper

27 reviews2 followers

April 29, 2021

An excellent read and very logical

Trent Sullivan

59 reviews

January 1, 2024

Borders, language, culture, and psychological nudity

Mark Geise

180 reviews13 followers

January 22, 2016

As a somewhat regular listener of The Savage Nation radio show, I figured I��d give one of Michael Savage’s books a chance whenever I ran into one in a thrift store or used book store. I found “The Savage Nation” recently, so I figured I’d give it a shot. Savage’s radio program is actually quite entertaining, though I do not necessarily agree with a lot of what he says. This book did not live up to what I expected after listening to his radio show. The topics are what I expected, and there were certainly some witty comments and side-stories, but it just isn’t the same as his show.

Savage’s political worldview can be summed up by the three words he constantly uses: borders, language, and culture. He believes that illegal immigrants are ruining this country both fiscally and culturally. He believes that secure borders are necessary to keep immigrants from coming to take advantage of the United States’ generous social welfare system. He also believes that the U.S. is under dire threat from Islamic fundamentalists. He advocates an extremely aggressive response to the 9/11 attacks; he wants the U.S. military to bomb cities without regard for civilian losses and to take the war right to them. Though this was written over ten years ago, his views really have not changed with regards to radical Islam. He also advocates racial profiling and increased camera surveillance. Throughout his discussion of all these issues, he continually harps on liberal bias and liberal weakness. He believes that the ACLU, gay rights organizations, and the generally multicultural focus of the far left Democratic establishment are all morally bankrupting America.

I agree with Savage on some topics. I believe that there is huge liberal bias in the mainstream media. I believe that, with the social welfare system as it is, we cannot allow immigrants to enter this country indiscriminately. Culture is extremely important. Affirmative action is discriminatory. Political correctness has run amok in this country. I agree with all of these things. However, I do not agree with his pro-war and pro-surveillance messages. He likes to call himself small government, but these policies are analogous to big governments. I can still give a book a five star rating if I do not agree with a good portion of it, but the author must at least make his or her points in a rational manner. Savage rambles like crazy (which you’d probably expect if you’ve listened to his show), but he does not provide sources for any of his claims and is way too quick to connect things to apocalyptic liberal conspiracies. This could be an entertaining read for some, but I believe that the vast majority of people would not make it through it. I'd give it a 2.5 if I could, but a 2 will have to do.

╟ ♫ Tima ♪ ╣ ♥

398 reviews22 followers

September 1, 2012

This book is just plain hilarious.

With chapters like:

"Diversity is Perversity" - which talks about how radial liberal groups (IE: PETA) are morally bankrupt at their cores and will trample on your church, synagogue, flag, memory, child's mind and open up the country to further terrorism.

"Hippies of Mecca" - which discusses the 'Jezebels of the West' who are getting loaded in cafes, running around without underwear and seducing your sons. "Worse, the hippies didn't even leave babies behind. All they left was STDs and then went home to their SUVs".

"How to Pick Up Liberal Women" - Go to a bookstore. "Let her know you love all gays even if they've raped young boys. It doesn't matter. As for alcoholics and all junkies, just say that you feel they're victims of a racist society. By now, you'll have her complete attention. Maybe suggest a latte and biscotti in the coffee shop. While you wait in line, attack our war on terror as a front for the globalist oil lobby. Then tell her immigrants are the strength of America".

I could go on and on and on until I've quoted the entire book. That's how funny it is to me. While, I find Michael Savage to be largely intolerable, I did discover his work brings up excellent life conversation pieces for us during road trips. I do not have to agree with the things he's saying for them to be useful to me. And in that regard, this book was very useful to me.

Gives you a lot to think about, space to find your footing among your political beliefs and also allows and platform to help you realize why you may or may not stand behind certain beliefs.

    3-stars genre-non-ficition read-in-2012


4 reviews

January 15, 2016

Where to begin...I first heard Mr. Savage on his radio show, for some reason at this time I realized I've never really listened to a conservative voice so I thought why not and proceeded to absorb his viewpoints for a few days before discovering he was also an author. I decided to check this book out to start and I've got to say it was kind of difficult to trudge through. In fact I didn't even technically finish it (14 pages left) but I just couldn't bring myself to read another word. This man repeats himself ALOT. Quite frankly he's just making the same point over and over and OVER. I'll forego any political leanings because regardless of whether or not you agree with a person has little to do with the quality of their book. Not a very well constructed or coherent book. It's a solid pass for anyone with a brain.

Chip Hunter

579 reviews6 followers

December 31, 2016

I dont care if you're a liberal or a conservative, you must agree that discourse and dialogue are crucial for a healthy society. Savage's primary goal is to induce such.

While much of this book is devoted to rantings and ravings against the ACLU, PETA, "Demoncrats" and the liberal media, Savage does bring up many important issues that are largely being ignored by the current establishment. Everyone agrees that we have to take some action, one way or the other, to deal with immigration, government responsibility, religion, schools, and the courts. While you may not agree with Savage on these topics, at least you should agree that there are problems and that they need to be debated and dealt with.

A thought provoking book that I highly reccomend.

Giovanni Calabro

23 reviews7 followers

September 23, 2007

I don't agree with everything Mr. Savage says. However, he can sure give a great chuckle. He pulls no punches and outlines exactly what he thinks regardless of what perception it may create. It's refreshing to hear a political opinion from a man that could just as easily hang out with the plumber's 5th as he can with the ivory tower.


8 reviews

March 18, 2014

Very well written books by on of my heroes, Dr. Michael Savage. Be prepared to lose the years of liberal brainwashing you undertook while living in the United States. This book was well written and has true and good arguments throughout the book. Dr. Savage wells wrote this book and should be rewarded. A great read for any Patriotic American.



195 reviews3 followers

May 2, 2008

This one of a kind book really worked wonders. A great Nonfiction book that will keep you flipping those pages! The humor is great, the facts are great, and the politics are unrivaled! Excellent book!

Ben Goodhue

9 reviews

October 22, 2008

Stuff is a bit radical, but it is fun to read. I have found his books are much better than his radio show. The man has ideas worthy of reading whether you agree or not (but obviously you might like it more if you're a bit right of center).


5 reviews

August 4, 2010

While I find myself agreeing with Savage ideologically, the constant name-calling really made it annoying to read. I by no means am a wishy-washy PC person, and honestly, was funny at first. It got tired, however, and I fear the message may be lost on some.


314 reviews6 followers

July 24, 2011

Michael Savage is a little too coarse and angry for my taste, but he is still kinda fun to read. He writes just like he talks. If you've ever listened to him on the radio, you can totally hear his voice when you read his book.

The Savage Nation: Saving America from the Liberal Assa… (2024)
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