HR Dashboards: Samples & Templates | Smartsheet (2024)

HR dashboards that show progress through charts, gauges, and other visual devices help managers identify challenges and progress more clearly and assist in analyzing the ‘why’ of human performance. Is there a difference between metrics and analytics?

Gamlem of Gems Group says there is. “Metrics are the hard numbers, the data that is collected. Analytics is the interpretation of that data. Organizations use the analysis of data to evaluate performance against goals, assess trends that can be used in workforce planning so they can assure they have the necessary staff, and best utilize their peoples resources.”

Engage HRNow’s Cacciotti finds, “Dashboards have been extremely helpful to teams I’ve worked with to accomplish stated goals. [They have] united the team and improved the internal communication that is so necessary — and yet is often lacking — to accomplish desired results.”

In the following sections, you’ll find free, downloadable HR dashboard templates for Excel. Templates are grouped by KPI category, including compensation, employment, performance, and culture.

Templates for Compensation KPIs

These metrics help HR understand why and how much is being paid in wages, salaries, and benefits, and the ROI of human capital investment. Dashboard templates include the following:

  • Salary Competitiveness Ratio (SCR): This metric is increasingly important, particularly in competitive industries where demand for skilled employees is high and the pool of qualified candidates is low. To calculate this metric, divide the average salary in your organization by salary averages offered by your competitors or industry wide.

  • Health Care Expense per Current Employee: Healthcare costs have skyrocketed in the last decade. Determining how much your company is paying per employee can help you save money in this costly benefit area. The simplest calculation is to divide the total number of employees covered by company plan(s) against the total cost per year by the total cost of healthcare paid by your organization.

Healthcare Costs Per Employee Dashboard

Use this template for a basic view of both individual health benefit costs per employee and overall costs of the plan. This customizable dashboard provides a clear look into costs by month for medical, dental, and other healthcare expenses incurred by the employer, the total health care costs paid by the employer, and total health care costs paid per employee.

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‌ Download Healthcare Costs Per Employee Dashboard

  • Benefits Satisfaction: Using surveys, employees can weigh in on the degree of satisfaction with specific benefits to help design future benefit programs. The information can be helpful for designing employee retention plans.

  • Cost of Benefits: More detailed than healthcare benefits alone, this metric reveals the complete cost of employee benefits provided by the company to the employee and how much the employee is contributing to benefits. This metric is a useful recruitment tool if benefits like bonuses and flexible spending are attractive and competitive to other companies in your field.

Benefit Statement Dashboard

Use this template to show the total benefit package by employee for the year, and how much of the cost was picked up by the company. You’ll find detailed information for total health and welfare benefits, paid leave, state and federal mandated benefits, bonuses, and more. Adjust the numbers to reflect what your company offers. You can then aggregate the information for your employees into one dashboard to see total benefits utilization and costs.

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‌ Download Benefit Statement Dashboard

  • Revenue Per Full Time Employee (FTE): If you want to know the average contribution of each FTE to the company’s bottom line on a yearly basis, the calculation is simple: divide annual income by the number of employees.

Revenue Per Full Time Employee Dashboard

This easy-to-use template shows the revenue by FTE by the month and year. This is a basic measure of productivity used by most companies. This provides a general estimate. You can also modify the template to show the breakdown to examine productivity by department, division, or job description.

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‌ Download Revenue Per Full Time Employee Dashboard

Templates for Employment KPIs

Having a complete picture of how many employees you’re retaining, their attendance habits, and other data that you may need for legal purposes (like diversity rates) are easy to see with the right dashboards. Here are some sample employment KPIs and dashboards:

  • Absenteeism Rate: This KPI shows average absences from the job for both legitimate (illness) and illegitimate reasons (no-shows who don’t call in or provide an adequate reason). This KPI represents a significant cost to companies. The formula is relatively simple: Take the number of days off by any designated period, divide it by the total days worked by all employees over that designated period and multiply it by 100. You can also use the dashboard below.

Absenteeism Percentage Dashboard

Use this template to know the average rate of absenteeism by employees and customize it to suit your needs. This tool will help you record the number of absences by the number of employees by month and calculate the average absence rate by employee and the total for the year. If the percentage seems to high, you can take action by looking into underlying causes, set targets, provide a clearer policy, and institute rewards for excellent attendance.

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‌ Download Absenteeism Rate Dashboard

  • Number of Full-Time Equivalents (FTE): The hours worked by one employee on a full-time (usually a 40-hour week) is a full-time equivalent. If there are many part-time workers, the FTE number is often lower than the total number of employees. FTE describes a reasonable measure of the total organizational workload.

FTE Calculation Dashboard

Use this template to calculate the number of full-time equivalents based on team members who work 40, 37.5, and 35 hours per week. Once you have the number of FTEs, you may decide to change the number of workers or the number or hours worked in your organization to assess trends and achieve revenue or employee satisfaction goals.

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‌ Download the FTE Calculation Dashboard

  • Contract Workers: Compare the number of contract workers to full-time workers to understand workforce needs and trends.

  • Average Tenure: The average length of time team members spends with the organization helps determine retention and satisfaction data.

  • Termination Rate - Voluntary: See how many employees are leaving by calculating the number of resignations over the total number of terminations in a given time period.

  • Termination Rate - Involuntary: Gain an understanding of how many employees are fired by taking the number of firings over the total number of terminations in a given time period.

  • Rate of Retirement: This KPI is necessary in the strategic workforce planning process. To calculate, review how many employees retired as a percentage of the total company headcount.

  • Average Retirement Age: Important for forecasting and planning for workforce replacement, divide all retiring employees by the number of retiring employees is the average age of retirement.

  • New Hire Three-Month Failure Rate: This number reveals talent acquisition effectiveness in finding the right personnel fit.

  • First Year Voluntary Termination Rate: A high quit rate may mean that the right hires are being made, but workers are not being properly onboarded or salaries may not be competitive.

  • Recruitment vs. Hires: Recruitment is the first step to adding new team members and finding qualified candidates; hiring is finding the right candidate, acceptance of an offer, and finally engaging services on a full time, temporary, or consulting basis.

Recruitment vs. Hires Dashboard

This template will provide you with the key to understanding the effectiveness of your recruitment process. This dashboard shows the number of applicants, the number of job offers, and how many people finally accepted an offer. If the ratio of offers to acceptance is low, it may be time to see how you can improve your process, or take a look at what your industry competitors are offering.

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‌ Download Recruitment vs. Hires Dashboard

  • Hiring Process Satisfaction Rate: Using a survey, discover the employee perspective on start-to-finish hiring procedures.

  • Cost per Hire: Research the cost of talent acquisition with this calculation. Average the total marketing, hiring process, and referral investment per hire to determine the final cost.

  • Training Effectiveness: Using a post-training survey, ascertain how comfortable new team members feel after training.

  • Employee Training Cost: Measure the investment in new hire onboarding by employee.

  • Percentage of Employees Trained: Find out how long it takes for new team members to be onboarded.

  • Diversity Rate: Keep track of whether or not the company fosters an accepting and open environment.

  • Number of Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives: Track your organization’s commitment to supporting inclusion and diversity.

  • Attrition Rate: This is a talent retention investigation to determine how long vacancies go unfilled, or if it is best to eliminate the position.

  • Turnover Rate: This KPI reveals how many workers leave the company yearly and is an important tool to help define retention strategies. When combined with another KPI — for example, performance — this metric can track the attrition rate difference between low and high performing employees.

Employee Turnover Dashboard

This template will provide you with a turnover calculation to see how often employees leave your company. You can track how many employees have left by the month, quarter, and year, the average number by month, and the ratio of turnover by month, quarter, and year. If turnover rates are high, it may be time to review company culture, salary, and benefits as well as conducting some employee satisfaction audits.

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‌ Download Employee Turnover Rate Dashboard

  • Average Time to Hire: Learn how efficient your hiring process is and where it may need improvement, particularly in roles that are hard to fill.

Time to Hire Dashboard

The hiring process can be frustrating and time consuming for companies and employees alike. The first step in streamlining the process is understanding how long it takes to put new team members in place. This template is designed for monthly monitoring and can be adapted to your needs. Track the types of positions you fill and departments, approval dates, acceptance dates, and more. Based on that information, the template will calculate the days to offer and days to fill.

Download Time to Hire Dashboard

  • Yield Percentage: Learn how many and what percentage of candidates are still viable after each round of hiring process elimination. A high percentage of candidates results in a greater number of qualified candidates, while a low percentage may require a change to the job posting.

  • Knowledge Achieved With Training: This information helps determine the effectiveness of training, rather than the cost by testing retained knowledge by pre- and post-testing.

Templates for Performance KPIs

How is your HR department doing? How long is your hire cycle? Are you hiring the right people? Dashboards can provide the answers:

  • Return on Investment (ROI): This metric is also called Human Capital ROI, or HCROI. The number shows how your investment in people stacks up against revenue. The formula to obtain this metric is revenue minus operating expenses divided by compensation plus benefit costs.

HR Return on Investment Dashboard

This template can provide a clear picture of the economic value provided by your team by month and by year. Capture revenue, operating expenses, compensation, and benefit costs by the month with this dashboard which will provide calculations and show you where you may need to make adjustments to achieve your company goals. While every company has different needs (depending on size and other factors), a benchmark for larger companies is one human resources staffer for every 100 employees.

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‌ Download HR Return on Investment Dashboard

  • Human Resource Ratio: This metric helps determine the HR staff’s ability to support needed services. Larger organizations usually have a lower ratio of HR to other staff, but more HR employees overall than small businesses. Calculate the ratio by taking the total number of HR FTEs and dividing by the total number of full time employees.

Human Resource Ratio Dashboard

Need to track how many full time employees you have against the number of HR staff? Use this adjustable template to find the ratio of people you have to serve the needs of your company’s team. The template helps you follow the numbers by the month, quarter, and year.

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‌ Download Human Resource Ration Dashboard

  • Candidate Percentage Who Meet Job Criteria: Gauge the validity of your recruiting efforts and analyze if changes are needed, should a high percentage of resumes fail to meet job criteria.

  • New Hire Performance: You can compare the performance of new hires to other employees and against the job description.

  • Internal Hire Rate: This number reveals organizational talent development effectiveness.

  • Internal Referral Hire Rate: This metric allows managers to see the value added when a qualified colleague is identified by a current employee for an open position and is subsequently hired.

  • Internal Promotion Rate: This metric is an indicator of positive growth and retention of top performers. To find the rate, divide the number of individuals promoted by the total number of team members.

  • Internal Promotions vs. External Hires: Particularly effective when looking at organizational succession planning, this KPI establishes how many existing employees are promoted against outside hires.

  • Employee Suggestions: Reflects on company openness to employee input and gauges engagement in business process improvement by staff.

  • Process Payroll Cycle Time: The total number of business days in the payroll process from start to finish. It shows process timeframes and projects if changes to the process are required.

  • Resolve Payroll Errors Cycle Time: This KPI represents how many business days it takes to resolve an employee reported payroll error. A high number of days suggests it’s time to update the payroll process.

  • Percentage of Workforce Below Performance Standards: This KPI notes the number of low-performers in the company.

Templates for Culture KPIs

Retention is the name of the game, particularly when the market for highly qualified employees tightens. In competitive industries like software, aerospace, and other technical fields, culture can be a make-or-break proposition. As is the case for every one of these KPI categories, you can adapt HR dashboards to effectively measure culture within your company.

HR Dashboard Template

This simple, clean, and flexible design provides an instant view into multiple metrics. You can customize this template to include the culture or some of the other culture KPIs described below that are most beneficial for your team or the executive suite, whether it’s a look into employee satisfaction, benefits, salaries, wages, or recruitment.

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To ensure that employees are engaged, track satisfaction and other measures. Here are some of the KPIs you might use to gauge and track culture metrics:

  • Employee Satisfaction Index (ESI): Determine and track changes of in-house team member satisfaction with three easy, standard questions that are designed to fit any business:

    • How satisfied are you with your current workplace?

    • How well does your current workplace meet your expectations?

    • How close is your current workplace to the ideal one?

  • Employee Satisfaction Survey Number: This metric shows how much effort is being put into maintaining and improving employee contentment.

  • Number of Employees Trained in Company Culture: Evaluates the importance and understanding of disseminating and living the organizational culture.

  • Vacation Days Utilization: Work-life balance is important to employee satisfaction and retention. This metric compares the number of available vacation days used to those unused by each employee.

  • Net Promoter Score Measures: Calculate how likely an employee is to recommend their organization as a place to work. This metric is determined by the difference in percentage of promoters and detractors.

  • Engagement: A productive workforce is an engaged workforce. Engaged staffers tend to be perform better and perceive challenges as exciting. Engagement is an important metric for a team manager’s success since it improves retention.

Onboarding: Onboarding ensures that new team members complete required paperwork, understand company rules and protocols, understand the culture, and feel comfortable in their new role. The onboarding process can take up to a year, depending on the role and organizational needs. Learn more by reading Employee Onboarding Processes: Plans, Best Practices and Flowcharts and The Complete Guide to Employee Onboarding from HR Experts.

HR Dashboards: Samples & Templates | Smartsheet (2024)
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