Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Expressi

Washington, District of Columbia

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WASHINGTON: SATURDAY DECEMBER 12 1857 xtv vol XO 11151 SALES At auction SALES THIS BAY CITY NOTICES 'A CocHTBT PaIB JB A TSAJU dec 8 6t erics tq d'S T3 dec 14th streets or to the little folk iyh i qutoie Tun uarruite h0uje iqis pre Itet tb yeryibeet? order apd will Huff i resjsooable'terinsJ i i I dwelling Vhicq is of moderate size sMe weald be rented or sold ns particulars nhke immediate applii I 9 dtf j' mli A i Professor tness stejis best! rench 1 I berth dtf oct 29 a some Imi aired 11 fc th streets Is per intM4s Eo 1 the reek 4 city CBHnd ur rad Alio three fine an it or to Mj eodtf I Law pa rtneuship samuel chilton a a MAGRUDER late of Virginia being associated in partnorsbip will practice in the Courts of Washington city the Court of Claims and tho SupremeRjCovrt of the United States Address Cnivrow A Mznnunzn Washington oct 8 eo3m (Union) Baltimore and Ohio Railroad Hotel No 121 Camden street (opposite the main ticket office) Baltimore IS now open for the reception of travellers Ac Meals twenty fire cents lodgings twenty five cents Oysters raw spiced and pickled put up to order and sent to all parts of the country nov 24 eolm Mr frota 12 iemy HA1S NEW STYLES The most beautiful Hat of the season and the cheapest Hat ever offered this day opened at the Bazaar corner of 6th direct and Peiuisylrania avenue States dec 5 Iw WM WOODWARD Trustee JAS McGUIRE Auctioneer lelity are a 15th gtOD asited idgin red in and lastedVash titten aken rsull i wbU EN tf fable ng its a and eonti mildi aning iniion These h4 dings 12 50riber addi laid ryig urni gtaZTr sanve dts 1 NO IN KQJUITV Tames Strange Joseph Huske and Margaret his wife agatuht Margaret Strange Robert Strange and rench Strange rillllC parlies above named the trustee and Robert I Strange guardian ad litem of rench Strange minor are notified to attend at inyoQice in the City Hall Wash ington on the 26th December instant at ten o'clock iu tho forenoon when and where tho trustee's account will be stated and a report made on tho distribution of tho fund in hie hands REDIN Auditor dec 3t3w THIS MUSIC WOKE IN THE UNITED STATKS ij A STOCK Of MUSIC from all tho different Publishers i in 'the United States will be sold at half price Two worth Tor ons dollar Also have on hand fine Rosewood Melodeons second hand Pianos new seven octave (Louis XlVtyle) Board man A Gray's Pianos a specimen of their finest make Also a fine asbrtment of Guitars luting Aocordeons Violins lutes Music 'Books Ao all at invoice prices I 7b Jerrnt at lh'tance By enclosing oho dolla? you are at liberty to select from our Catalogue two worth of Music which will be sent to you by mail jif All ambunU ovcr'one dollar at the same rate 1 The catalogue will be forwarded tn any individual in the United States of postage JNO MARSJJ No 1302 Chestnut street 2d door above 1 3th (formerly No 85) Philadelphia BOOk kcenar uiet I rings iccess may his IN rs of 2 50 In sed for legul Jere ilo ia tbs then ioual iaion of I on rther bid Blot great when 12 5 th log ij tbe lune that id 5 inga rbieb hade ou a gfor giko jent'a many Lot lame is utfot raws dec dAds eb rings pany Mr buai i the thei worth prop The building on tho corner of Loaisitna iia street Known the 1st July next rant erat del KKiT the Dwelling if the lune Gen I fijAIl II grewcntl gas faroace complete' water fixtures' Ac Hm ihree fine olheb 'adjoining 1 I i I Ylell corner of 11 and 17th streets or II Smith if the bablyl resent: a lot if the bi at sum build being! rings! tuda anan i nergy a and I miles Taded bpat taj in rd lee 3tawtf ig petit we stisg The Annual Charity Sermon in aid of the objects of the Young riend Society will he preached in this church at the 11 o'clock Mass on Sundar December 13th by the Kev Df Rtpbr dec 2t States Star oeori eon iding nav? real ethcrj mor euigicur young 1 i I i' 'Wi! does hot ned thitn they arc for stable buck of tho Na i i I JASJjC McdUIRE ll Auet aul Com MereljanL IMS i ni'u'v! Iween and jitreebi i dec 9 i lt I TKACH Wanted a situation as Teach tr nt the English Branches by a Young Lady (of throe or fnur experience) for the coming year Reference given and required Address A lagler Centreville airfax countVa nov 2w Christian All pey sona if any there be having bills against this Society will oblige by presenting them before the 18th instant to doo 9 3t WM CHAUNCEY LANGDON Treas Public Schools Tbe Cominittco on Examinations will meet at the Aidermen's room (City Hall) on Saturday the 12th instant at 4 for the examination of ap plicants for the position of Teacher in Primary Schools Wealcy Chapel estival The Ladles ley Chapel will hold a estival in Odd ellows' Hall 7th street during the week commencing Monday evening 7th December instant The Ladies having made such preparations si lo render thie festival one of the most pleasant cntertuumenS that has been in this city and as the proceeds are tp be applied to wards the payment of the debt on their new edificq they con fidently appeal to their friendsTor a most liberal encourage ment Ticket for the season' 40 cents single admittaitAe 124 cts dec 4 d8t Special Notice or Perfumed BreaRi White Teeth and Beautiful complexion use pf ljrolf low or dressing Ladies Hair use a ner pomade it causes Hair to curl beautifully Au cents each PETRIDGE A CO Proprietors NeW York Wholesale and retail agents for WTI Mavrv Booksellers and Stationers Permsylvanm between 9th and 10th streets 17 tf pi BUSHED BV GALES SEATON I TERMS: 10 D3Jb Payable in advance Prof owler of New York continues Jiis Tec tures on Human Science and Life as expoundcRfey Phreno at Temperance Hall on evenings and sufijbets as fol lows: Saturday December 12 heads of distinguished men: bnnday J3th moral nature as teaching ajlod and fu ture slate Ao (free) Monday 14th the mental faculties and their culture Wednesday 16ltf female character or the true woman 1 Seats 25 cents eight tickets $1 Thorough aud reliable because scientific delineations of character with needed advice as to health children marri age Ac daily andfTuesday evening at his private apart ments at the Avenue House dec J4t RUSSELL HOUSE Detroit TIIIS HOTEL recently romedelcd enlarged and fitted up with every modern improvement and appliance by the lion William Hale is how open for public service Tt is the largest Hotel in Michigan furnished richly and appropriately and will be conducted by tho subscriber in such a manner ns shall give it a prominent position amqgg the leading Hotels of the West RUSSELL Proprietor sep 29 wly Late of Capitol House Madison Wis AN AWAY EHtlAlsEKVICE in Ceoigetowu Negro man Jerry Ogle Said negro is about fifty years of age dark complexion 5 feet 8 or 9 inches tall antf quite erect I will give $100 if taken ini tbe State of Mary land er $150 if taken in a free State in each case to be se eured in jail so I get him XV LYONS nov 14' eolifA2aw3w fialtSun Georgetown BttlR SAtE jsix yeas oh 4 i i i i i 1 IfrilMHliBS COXGRES wishing to to rm a xulnd Agents in waat of 'apartments in a central CM ibtain'lhem on 8th street one door from Miss VI lwwv An th nmniicnc UkNxtY warutng uj James Titles Nk II street betweeh Sth and 9th mteett AUi to let Two! urnished Housta pleasantly i dated onehixty dollars per month the othef one hundrea fifty dollars per month Address Thomas Sim esox ktioreey at Law through tho City Post Office or apply at Sk 376 street south side between 10th and 11th streets dec edOt i i JpNGRAVING Visiting Kcccftion and Wedding Cards Engraved and Printed at short notieo Official and Company Seals and Presses HARE Engraver 264 Penn av nov 20 eolm 3 doors west of 12th street GRAMMAR SCHOOL of DICKINSON COLLEGE Carlisle Pennsylvania THIS Department of the College ha lately enlarged ite range of studies so as to meet more fully the wants of those preparing either for college or for the ordinary business of life The course of study embraces Reading Composition English Grammar Etymology Modern and Ancient Ge graphy Natural Philosophy Arithmetic Algebra (I reek? Latin History and Book keeping The Grammar School offers great educational facilities not only to those preparing for college but to such as are seeking a general business edu cation Its members have the privilcof attending such of the college recitations without extra charge as may be suit ed to their attainments and wants except the rench and German for which there is a small extra fee of three dollars per year The sessions of this school coincide with those of the col lege nd the second session of both will commence on the 21st of January next A few pupils can receive Board iu tho family of the Principal or catalogues or information address either of the under signed 1 8 HILLMAN nay intend placinb their daughters a( tkat I a faw can be acebmmo I xted 1Y 1 with lomfiirLable rooms and bearding at Mrs MAN Thirteenth street between and dec 1 et i pOR dNTa large furnished HOUSE Also one JCi large uinfAruiahed HOUSE Inquire of 0 Magek street near west side or to A Peiigh corner of Sand 7th streetA A BUG IT MISSES ROOKER'S I tciicti Boardiiijj aRil Day School for HoutiK Eadie No 1 I Id street will officiate in this church to morrow (Sunday Deo 13th at 1 1 o'clock A and aldb for several succeeding Sundays dee 12 1 i fcX Divine jservice will he held In the Hew Hall of Representatives in tho South Wing of the extension of the Capitol at 11 A to morrow The Rev Dr Cis Mtys will officiate Tho public are respectfully invited to Vi dec 12 a 'w Meeting A special meeting of the Association will bo held at the SmithaiAiian Insti tution on Saturday December 12 at 11 Av CHARLES YOUNG Rec Sec iine Mosaic Coral Lava Sots ine Cameo Elba Garnet Sets 1 ine Plain Gold and other Sets Diamond and other Rings a largo assortmentDq i do iects Pinsi Bracelets Gold Lava Cameo andiother sets Gold ChainssSiudSj Keys Lockets and Eye Glasses Silver Card Cases and Portemonnaies ine Gold Watches most celebrated makers all in run ning order All of which will bo warranted as represented dijc 2t i WALL A BARNARD AucU Dedication East Sabbath belli? very incle ment the basem*nt hall of tho Now Ebenezcr Church on ourth street east wat not dedicated according to appoint msnL The dedicatory service will take place to morrow "(Sabbath) the 13th instant Preaching at 1 1 A by Kev Samvei Register 3 by Rev DUnr and 7 I by the Pastor NOTICE rp HE voters of the scveral Wards will please tike notice that the Assessors will attend at the places ilesignnted below from 10 A to 3 every day ex cept Sundays au4 Christinas day from the 15th 0 the of this month inclusive for the purpose of rovisin'and cor recting the poll lists irst ard Samuel corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Nineteenth street Second Ward George corner of Twelfth ard II streets fir Third Ward JI Downing's between Seventh and Eighth streets 8 ourth Ward City Hall ifth Ward New Jersey avenne' JJ and streets south Sijth Ward Edward street between Eighth and Ninth streets s'! Seventh Ward John II Bird dee dUnion and Star Maclkod A wh0 concluded by the recitation in beautiful style of poem and rave as a sentiment The Poetg of By Alex McKerbeciiaji The Highlands of Scotland Song byMr Spinor 7 Hurra for the Ly A Small Esq To the fnemory of Walter Scott Drank in silence Recitation by Mr Galbraith of Myewnj my na tive By John JV Hodgson Gilbert Catncron tlie able and worthy President of St Society of the city of Washington May health and long life attend him and when tired nture sinks to rest may the love and good wishes of all accompany hint to the haven of the blessed Mr Cameron responded in An appropriated manner giving the origin and Working ef St Society up to the present time and closed by singing to the Land of Bonnets By Jab McWilliams Scotchmen may they always be worthy the character given them this evening by the Mayorot Washington never tobe found recorded in the annals of crime or(an expense to any community in which they may reside Song: Barring the doorby Mr McWilliams By Prof Donald Maclkod The Painters and Sculp toru of McDonald Thomson of Buddington feUeie Thom Recitation of by Dr Macleod i 4 Td the Workingmen The swarth hand of labor the truest hand of nobility on earth Let the heart that beats behind if be not cast down Song: ye aye in by Mr Yonxa By John jiroDusux The'Army and the Navy of the United States The first wiU work its way on land the latter will always assert its supremacy on the eea Responded to by Capt Max Woodhull whs concluded ly giving as a sentiment Scotch character Intelligence Integrity and Hosni tality By James A Tit The inviteii guests of St Society Happy to meet them sbrsy to part from them and happy to meet them again I I Mr Hasiuxs being called for excused himself from making a speech by saying that he was Only' a maker of plans he had to leave fhe execution to others i Song: Pilgrim of by A RuTHBHoitp By JIr A Small: The Mayor and Corporation of Responded to hy'the Mayor who con cluded by giving ns a sentiment May every man whether artist or mechanic be able to execute his own Song by IV Rouerts 1 By Mr Batctiix: This Burn Drank in silence 1 i By Jonx IlonnsoN Dj Stuart Esq i whilst Claiming Scots for parents may te star spangled banner bg his shield always Resnondeil to by 5tubt who concluded by giving: The members of Si Society who are absent to night piay their zeal in the cause in which we are enlisted not flag nor their spirits fail because they were not here to sip with us from tho overflowing bowl of mountain dew Hong: wee drappie By Nir I It Smith: Song writers universal they add to our sport cheer our hearth and multiply every social Song Star spangled by Parkes By Mr A Small The Union of America and Great Britain and the progress of civilisation under their fos tering ears Song: Wedding" by Mr Batchin By Mr John Reekie (Cor of the Society:) Success to the Sccdtiek American newspaper and health and prosperity touts editors Song A a man for by a member I By a member Our Sister Societies throughout the land success to them in their good mission Song: Weel may the boatie Py Mr Hodgson All Queens iud John Queen in articular good governors of their own dominion Mr Queen replied to this toast in a'few remarks con eluding by giving ns a sentiment The hospitality of St Society of Washington city May their num bers never be less long may they be able to entertain as I have been entertained to night Song: Conic sit you down by Mr Ho nr Tonn By the Committee of Arrangements Our worthy host and hostess Mr and Mrs Gautier Long may they cater so successfully to the St Society or any other social party as they have done on the present occasion 1 Mr Gautier and lady were called' on when the Mayor ret ui tied thanks for them both in becoming term and' concluded by giving a sentiment The dear ones at home the sooner we get to them thb si i This toast having been drank with three times three and a Joun ot so sen sang home of my QJ At this stage of the night's hilarity the members an 3 i their friends were enjoying themselves to the height of satisfaction when it was hinted by the President that nae man can tether time dr tide' and it was no'wbe ginnmg to be among lira hours ayont the wal mid it wits evident thattlieiplesuies of the niversary must be brought to a close in a short time a it vl been a rule of the Society heretofore to conclude the festivities of St day at an early hour Subsequently little more wjas done but the proposing and drinking tbe healths of the ofbce bearerB present1 obsent also a number of fine songs were sung and stories told bat uo oace is consumed we are reluctantly obliged to draw toa alse by simply saying that wc have spent many happy nights in our lives but the one spent in coany with tbe agreeable aud social members of ths AVashi hgton City will be long and kindly cherished by us While we have breath to draw i We understand that the following named gentlemen' were elected as office bearers for yearSix Gilbert Cameron President JJ Mcarland 1st ice President John Smith 2d do Wm Ballanttnn treasurer Jas A Bbown Rec John Reekie Cor Managers Andrew Small Daniel Dewer John Brown Henry Bruce Todd Tliomas Spence Alex ander McKerrechar A nntrkii 'r rfturni thanksto IMS irxfijf? encnuragementi and rolicits i Ia "NTA 4 to ti i of 141 sU1 tnnsy ivant avenue Ost iw7 1 MLiat I lla rA learn i M'lQnrn pext door i is hm' XIHH Eltf Hi I I CUUO XJT 4 Melid I'onn "fu burette i NT a comfortable Two story jBi ieklfouxewith back building containing nine rooms 'atd ft the turner of and 26tb ttreet west with about eJLbousaaJ fpel of ground attached will be sold or cx for rihall farm within a few jniles of the city or uraJ tn agaotl tenant' at a very moderate ront Wiy to MIDDLETON eotf corner of and 12th streets ARGKAPaRTmEN TS IN A PRIVATE ULY gOTjtUrtDiu aud lady with ono or two children be for the' winter with two very large ins and a gO4TjKsin table in a pleasant situation at the lod Addreaa Apartmentl at this office aiwill 2aw4W dfit TUUSE TQ I KT A firn clas House situated at the 1 ferner ofi atette and ourth st reels Georgetown Mrs amwh njrt door or to JI Itkxy Esq ftt the Banking house of Messrs Sweeny anouuse afit A Co oct 21 eotf RKNTe a kirgo th r4e story brick Dwelling with trick stable carriage hvnse Ac situated on street nit (between 13th and 14th 'Street weet most healthy 1 dirdble location This is a firsi elass house finished itry beet ity lo with all the modem improvements and fcc apply to DrJ Millkji 246 street twwuUvbsafi Hth streets or to McGinns auc yvieer nov 10 eod ST ANNiyERSARY AT WASHINGTON is year since the writer ha the uJpasurc and hap piness of rpecting the Braw braw of this so ciety on their stated festival is on 8uch occasions as ii is tnat the heart and mind are carried back to the days piwtnnd bring up afresh the remembrance of yat at have been experienced both by young and old fheyjrenew auld and form the affections and brAen (of brolherhood that cannot be easily "this tw verj visibly manifested on last Saint An drew night ddnng the few hours spent in the com pany of tlie representatives of It has been remarked another the remembrance of can never be extinguished except the hope of Heaven it is our best and holiest A Auld Laug Syiio brings Scotland ane nudkll snoods tho blue lilb and clear strm The Dee the Don nalgAwufos brig' black wall 'rmn4 All myihqy feelings all my gentler The third anniversary of the benevolent society aboT8 named celebrated at by the sturdy aona aud descendants of Auld on the evening of the 30th ultimo in a style that reflects lasting orediton all concerned but particularly on Mrs and Mr Gautier who did every thing in their power to make the members of thfr Society and their invited guests as comfortable and happy as they could wish for and it is coming far short t0 lhem wlcn wc BftJ bBt thy ceedSfliEl their efforts far beyond what was expected by the 8t About seven the mem berS and the guests of the society took their seats at tbe table Gilbert Camehon the President in the chair On hi? Tight and left sat the Mayor of Washington city Hmi( William BJ Magruder and Ex Mayor AV Sea Tbe' Presidents Messrs Mcarland and Smith witl) other guests of the evening (amongst the number wereyCnpt Maxwell Woodhull United States Nav Charles Haskins Esq and Prof Macleod A MJ wete seated at the end of the table opposite the Presi deit) As tspon as the gentlemen were all seated in order thofjhaplain theAlev Elliot craved the Divine blessing on the bounties of Providence that were about to be partaken of This concluded the repast was duly attended toj and by the onset made by all present it was evident that the good things provided for the occarfon by host and hostess were of the best description and well' suited: tothe taste and palate of all who had the good fortune to surround the table furnished by Gautier on the memorable ioOth of November 18 57 Wlieu supper was over the President called on the Chaplain to return thanks which was done by him in a and irreverent manner On hU vvLV4U4I4 4 1 duties of Chaplain for the night preparations were made for he remjaining part of the celebration The Presi Stated that he should not detain the company with the usual address but proceed at once with the regular stajiping toasts of the evening l'Ahc day we celebrate Let it be held in kind remem brance by 'every true son of the Land O'Cakee" and may they aye be ready to meet onlsuch occasions to do hohbt to tjieir auld respected mither toom the stoirp to growth and days lang This tontwas given with a right good will by all pre sents Mr It Stuart being called on by the President to follow the toast with a song readily consented and gave that fine song My native IMghland 2 he memory of Washington a name dear to every lovelr of freedom May the fatherly counsels given by him never bn forgotten or disregarded by the brave and pa triotic sons of America Drank in silence 3 The President of the United States May his devo tion fp our gauntry and free institutions with his growth nnd stretogtheil with his aud that his Administration may reflect crediton his native land and on In's own head now whitened with the snows of many winters At flialiage of the proceedings the society were not A little disappointed in finding that Mr AV Todd was absent as it had been agreed on that he should haye followed this important toast with a song ho being a goqd amateur ballad singer Mr Cameron called on the society for some member to cannm to the rescue but no one coming forward it wasWMuded that the Saint Society should sing to the toasDp President of the United States Mr was taken a little aback on hearing this but he proposed to fine old song the Previous to hili doing so he informed the company that he was of Opinion that the Song he proposed one fitting the occasion as the kind old Batchelor now in the kite seemed to him to be in as bad a as was the dainty old Laird co*ckpen Mr Cameron then Sung tiie Laird 4 Scotland land pf our fathers a land in song and story May she never want strong armsand leal hearts to defend and represent her in every gude eiihet by land or sea I Air James Batciien followed this toast by singing that delightful song I love and which he gave with much effect and feeling 5 The land of Washington May her sons and daugh ters long enjoy the liberties left them by their sires and may tastarsand stripes still proudly float over a free and united people Mty Jonj YotNGsr sung to this toast a national and patriotic song in good spirit and in good tune The American 6 Saint Society of Washington city a be nevolent and social organization May the social habits wit Jith their benevolence lievo ijie destitute atid stranger A RsEKiKsung the canty oldsong with telling cuuub 3 sons nae aye been free" Ac 7 Washington city: May its influence for good be felt ta Me remotest Corner of the land and her citizens nt all hmes'i be found an order loving and law abiding gencr'ation jiaving the fear of the Mayor before their eyes pud mpy he not bear his sword tn vain Thg Mayor in reply to this toast made some pleasant remark's in relation to his long service in the city govern ment and lately as Executive of the same he said that as far ns the interests of the city were concerned he was determined to do all things in his power to see them property attended to by every one that he had any con trol of and: that the pegte of the metropolis shall be maintained pt nil hazards Iu regard to the society with which he had tho pleasure of celebrating the an niversary of: this evening and its members he would say Sb far pg he could recollect he had to deal with but fpw of tljioir countrymen in his official career and had seen but few of them recorded iq the list of crimi nals and bjjt few of them in the paor house His honor id cdpchtsioh gave as a sentiment The land of fathers wherever it may be Song by Mf Thomas Evans: Blue Bells oT Scotland 8 The Lasses May they aye be loved courtedand dnnredby ilka member of St Society whethsr married man or gallant bachelor Hie me tbe hour gloAmin gray It leaks my heAt ae cheery meet thee on tho lea rigi My ain kind dearie i i Song Mary of sung by IlENBr Todd IMtcn had concluded the sweet song that he favored the speiety wjith he was called on a second time to grant the cbmpany another song which he did to the great delight pf his attentive listeners It wqs thei stated bythe President that the pro graminff of the evening was completed and that the vo lunteer toastsjwould inow be proceeded with and as he had received 4 ielterifrom that highly respected gentle man Joskph ales one of the editors of the National Intelligencer excusing himself for not being present with the sociey he would now take the liberty to read the communication: I I Washington Novembers? 1857 Deai Sih: Very sensible of the kindness of tho invitation to attcqil the clebration of your national anniversary and mindfulpf the enjoyment which it offers to me I very much regret that the rcntiaiiisW the neuralgic affection of my lower liuibs obliges o4o deprive myself of that pleasure on this occasion i 1 Trusting that you and your worthy associates may live to repeat tie enjoyment tor many rears to come I inn mpst respectfully yours 1 Jo Galks Gilbert Cambrion Esq President of St Society Washington On conciudingtthe reading of Mr letter the President gave ag hq volunteer toast The health of the Editoraof the Nijtiotial which was drank with all honors afler which Col Szitm junior partner of jtiiefirm made an appropriate acknow ledgment for the compliment tendered him and Mr Ailes by the St Society By the 1st Vice President Mr 15 Mcarland The health of our worthy and efficient chaplain Rev Elliptt i which was done in a way that brought that gentleman to his)fcet who responded in a very happy manner I By Jo Smith ice President I Here's to ilk pillar that bides Ly the thistle: Lang may Jiis ronf tree keep' frno decay Luig may the oieo happiness whistle xln glee round hia dwelling by night and hyf Song byMr Rkekjs: Simon and I By BnoMfN Tho memory of' Adam Duncan May hemever be fprgotton by the members of St An drew's Society of Washington Drank in silence Ry Divnitl Dewar: To the memory of Hugh Miller Whilst the world has benefited by his contributions to science and literature as Scotsmen we honor his memory Drank in silence 5 I I By Wm Smith Success to the herctes of the Indian war the gallant Havelock and the brave Highlanders who are contending "with fiends unworthy their steel may they go on conquering and to conquer until they restore peace to India Song by Todd The march of the Cameron By Mr Reekie The wives and the mothers of Great Britain aud American Responded to by Prof Donald I A fine pair bf nitcb4l earriaj'e Homes dT kind in ninele or doable Apply I I WM CAMPBELL i th an the ciijnl ir 374 13 th street nov L)'lrKKIKSTbo Lotteries of Samuel Swan are charte by the State of Georgia and havet sworn Tom misfiionors tyoinfed to superintend their drawings and cer tify that every thing connected with the same 'j done in a sirictly honorable manner They offer to the public i fair opportunity for investment the interoffts of parties at dis tance being as well protected as though they were present The Managers would respectfully call attention to the fact that all persons have a legal right to send orders for tickets to Georgia as the lotteries of Samuel Swan Co are autho rized by the Legislature of Jhnt State A lottery will be drawn every Saturday throughout the year i ordcijs re ceived being filled in the drawing next to take ce after the Mino comes to hnnj According to the schem ictne ticket in every ten must draw a prise Tickets are $10Uialve4 $5 quarters t250 No tickets sentunicss the money accompa nies the order The drawings are upon the principle of one number on eaeb ticket and are so simple that nope can fail to understand then There is no combination of numbers to mystify tho buyer Prises vary from $20 te $6000 every prise being drawn and result of drawing forwarded to all purchasers A list of the numbers that are drawn from (he wheel with the amount that each prize is entitled to witlbejpub lished after every drawing iu the following papers New Or leans Dehn Mobile Register Charleston Standard Nashville Democrat Atlanta Intelligencer and Now Tork Weekly Day Book Write your address fUainly and direct to i i I SWAN A4 CO Augusta Georgia Prizes paid in fulj No per contage deducted from prizes as other lotteries 5 AU communications strictly confidential sep nlAwly AHES ATC 11 EP A I I GALT BRO offer every variety of ladies nnd gentlemen's very superior Watches by all the most calvbra ted makers of London (Liverpool and Geneva warranted accurate performers Watches Chronometers and pocket Timekeepers of every description carefully repaired by skilful workmen To this branch of our business we give personal attention thereby insuring erttire satisfaction to customers MW GALT BRO Jewcllersi 32 1 Penn avenue between 9th and 10th streets nov tf 5 boiikfiuren soiriifiji*z ienil yearf in Paris nov 21 The abovq kale 1 unavoidably jioHtpiiiieil until Wednesday afternoon December 16 1857 um hour and THOMAS ENTWISLE WILLIAM II WARD Trustees JAS MeGUIRE Auctioneer II SAGERook and Job Printer corner of 7th st and Louisiana qv french restaurant IN soliciting your patronage for the coming season I re spectfully call your attention to ray present unsurpassed facilities for Lqyiness having made arrangements to supply) the largest Dinners Bails and Parties at a few notice) cn the iijost reasonable termswith every thing pertaining to the most fashionable entertainments I As my object is to a very large cash business on a small profit iny housepresents tulvantages that cannot be surpassed if equalled Entire Dinners nnd Desert furnispri without 1 any trouble yourself or family at moderate chargesj A first class rench Cook can bo sent to your house aba small charge of $2 for his services and marketing fot such articles as you may wish purchased and furnished at coat Also Chjna Glass! Silver ware and Table Ornaments I GAUTIER i 252 Pennsylvania avenue WIGS HAti' WIGS 1IRAIDS CURES RU zettes Bandeaux tc always on hand at GIBBs Hair Manufactory ind Perfumery Store Also made tn or der at the shortest notice A full assortment of Toilet Articles from the and English houses Combs J)rushesJJand Mirrors Scissors Penknives Ao Genuine nrina Cologne Cold Cream Macassar Oil Kalydor Best Hair Restoratives Batchelor's Hair Dvo Hiyr Work repaired or taken in exchange 5 2 ftjtenn avenue between 12th and 13th Sts sep 23 3meo a few doors above 'iau and mhuui WQ perfect tana" 4e Ifficd Hat TCEiCRHAM oftlie Purest Cream at $156 per gal: Jjlon' Watef Ices Cakes of every variety and style Jellies Urlotte de Russe Blanc Mange of various kinds! and I thing nice iii the coufectionairy line at the Philadel i li lee Cteatoi Depot corner of 12th and streets i I ec UJRVlsill't OP UNUKMIiED Apartments' ti Ciin beihad Mr Gtreet back of the! Meat Offici The Jiouso is an ofegmt and eemmodiousi ki rtntainlag few Aites of parlorsnd cd pooms andwas I Jairflv occupied by Senators Hunter Mason Butler and rXsj I i deciq eolw LOCAL MASTERS Camphene Explosion The tenacity with which peo ple ndhere to the use of camphene and similar explosive fluids is one of the real wonders of the world Yet so it is in spite of the daily feoorded instances of terrible dis asters On Thursday evening a German woman living 5th street in the Northern Liberties was severely burnt by tho explosion of the fluid ip a can from she was filling aJLimp She was somuch injured that very little hope is entertained of her jecovery A police man Edwards passing the house time fas Also considerably burnt in his efforts to assist the poor wo man Two more of the party engaged with McCleish in the riot at tavern on Pennsylyahia avenue on Thursday afternoon have been arrested They are nam ed James Roach and rancis McDevitt and have been held to bail by Justice Donn for their appearance at court to answer for their misdemeanor The last named was also fitjed under the Corporation ordinance a deadly weapon The brave and faithful pcrfohnapce of their duty on this and recent occasions by officers Mc Henry Suit and others is worthy of mention and warm commendation Nor in this connexion ought the prompt nnd energetic manner in which Justice Donn has per formed his branch of public service in these late trou blous times to pass unnoticed 'frhen it 'is remembered that the police magistrates and officers stand in a grat measure as break watery against the violent tides of ruf fianism with which society has been threatened to be submerged lie value of fidelity firmness and courage I in such times is the jnore conspicuous Criminal Court The following cases were tried yes terday John Thompson colored was tried and found guilty of grand larceny and sentenced to the peniten tiary for 1 year Matthew Jlutler colored found guiltynfgrand larceny and sentenced to the penitentiary for year George Jenkihs colored was pund jjuilty of petit lar ceny and sentenced to 6 monhs in jatj and fined $1 I II JI Butterbaugh youth was found guilty of petty larceny William William' colored was found guilty on a charge of lnrcey sentenccdilo jail for 0 months and fined $1 MARRIAGE tin the 3d instant by the Rev Dr Ridley KIL LEBREW Esq of Clarksville' (Tenp and Miss HATH WIMBERLEY of Montgomery county (Tenn) orta imit i will then any litie rents and andr the their ire in nt value below intel i fin ite it If M2 50 ileted ly two ror'of i aub parti in prop ed in i The Right Rev Bishop Johns of 'Virginia will preach at Trinity Church to morrow morning at at nigh at 7 o'clock Notice The Church of the Epiphany on between 13th and J4th streets west will be reopened for Di vine service on Sunday next in the morning at 1 1 and in the afternoon at 3 ffO'Rev John Ianabaii ofPotomac district will preach in the oundry Church corner of and 14th streets on Sabbath morning at 11 Columbia Typographical A special meeting of this Society will be held in the Council Chamber City Hall this evening at 7J BOWEN Secretary i dim 4 KU ROOM In rtreet between ij and I streets so cna premises i i and Ciiakibcrgl AO Ti i wo we utiween viui Irotq avenue idee diet furliisbed A part ments imii sklvania avenue be I Mrs LAKE ax the Orgn office Anulv ta SAMUEL OWLER no M27 erto Sweeny at the Banking lune5) ziutH1 uf KifUpouse ant A Co Dpcjlling of thelatj Geq Towson Thia Ta i 5GtJJe fousejeohtains all themixlerd improvements' ctwnara complete! water I fixtures 4c Also three fine C3 IW A J1J I AI9 r442' oru ot I informs nemkfrs of Cdngres iui daughiler a( iitibnai b1 PrePre4 to receive a few Ai IJT 6Uri9t Viinm ra i I vircewrt to be htul aC dee 3tawtf I TIEMAN having pent ne a i 1 i hLJ I 7 uiuin English and: '4" tutor in eikiT I rench language flaemlv' "S4n PWnciiUon fumj'h the iuom rteommcmiatmns i Ad jreJjfor tnrtn I Li 1 phMIigeneer Aficoj I Hi I i Rooms (without Yil urou on application at No 486jreetb tweeu and 1 dee enlw Horex a rniuici urniaiieii iioubes IiaVw Darlurs afuiiuitiinew Pwriitfl Hl rwjmMrwui vun ulM uvarr WHO i ji 1 adcheq ntid largo accommodations uAiich ril RfMinvr with rnivat ltiP ami 4VJ Riggf A or al tbe I RAW aim 1 0 euvei i iec Vi BeaUtory Brick Dwelling with two UftCk hllililinn leitiia fa am 1 liL wnd I Aiutaui uiUjLUi i ui a i Bkl CVk uttliUnk No 549 two squarequth ofJ I I It Contains twelve comfertahld ufe IL auq water conveniences and has on the 'ijiiash1' 'i I1 fnii Carriage house This prcl dec 7 5 3tawfm OR KENT AN1 SATE BENJAMIN REISS hvould respectfully inform the public that ho has again located himself at his former stand ouG street between 14 th and 15th where he is prepared to sell and rent Pianos nt the lowest possible prices and first elsss instruments only I still continue to give lessons on the Piano Guitar anjd Singing in connexion with the above idee 2 eo3t i MOI1ERW LANGUAGES PRO DANIEL GROUX anative of rance Teacher ofiModera Languages especially rench Spanish and German 4 i Translations mado wjth correctness and punctuality at moderate price 1 i Pennsylvania avenue No 425 south side between IHh and 15 th streets opposite Hotel Washington DC dee 7 codim DEATHS fifty The uneral of the late Col WILLIAM TURN BULL Topographical Engineers will take place this day at 12 from his late residence on street The friends of the family ar invited to attepd without further notice At Jacksonville (la) on ihe 'ilh instant of fever tat the residence of Columbus Drew Mr JAMES WIMER printer a native of Pennsylvania but recently and for many years a resident of this city i (' T1 lor 1858 a full assortment just receive aLApV'1LAxA Mull Ox's Copier 11th street and Penn avenue SOMETHING NEW AT TUB NEAGKICUL tural Warehouse and Need Store 7th street rix doors Rnuthi of lcuiitylvania avenue opposite east end of Centre Market where will be found the best selected as Mrtmcntof Implements and Machinery everoffered in tliis market such as 0 Sausage and ic Meat Cutters new pattern very cheap and durable Snuragw Shiffers Knife Cleaner 4 I Coffee Mills Hominy Milla Hominy ans New CornshellerB aU sixes apd patterns Hay Cuttcjs twenty varieties justly Cele brated hay straw nnd cornstalk Cutter i Street stable aud snow Brooms entirely new Corn Jlusker Boiuetbiog new ii An extensive assortment of Monor A Plough and Castings direct from the original inventors I Solid Ploughs something entirely how and ever lasting I Machines fpr Shucking Oysters I Wheelbarrows new pattern superior to any ever offered in this market Agricultural Boilers something new patent applied tor Grange acqlebratod Corn cob and Meal Mnll superior to any now in use Railroad Horse Powers with Machines to thresh and clean perfectly at one operation with circular saw at tachment tor saving wood 6 that the farmer is nut subject to inclement weather a As (lie subscriber is a practical agricultural be understands thoroughly every branch of this business anil is thereby enabledto keep nothing on hand but perfect machi nery and tlote in want of the above articles jiuay see tit aglance that it is to their interest to buy of a practical man AU of the' above and every other article usually found in a Crst clius house this kind will be furnished on the most accommodating terms BARTII0LOW 558 7(h street fl doors south of Penq avenue dco 4 fit opposite east end of Centre Market PATENT 1G GAS and UGOIX III IZ J1K THE public are informed that I am now prepared to sell patent right for my newly invented and' improved oil gas for States or counties or for individual use As practical men will require Widenca of the utility) of such improvements as well as of their practicability and economy all such are invited to call at No584 corner of 7th and south streets nenr the canal bridg) eppieite he 1 Mua working model i 4 DEODORIZER i I will also be prepared to exhibit my valuable and ap proved disinfecting agent the Deodorizer and Will sell copy right for States or counties sept tf JOHN SMITH MARINE IRE AND LIE INSURANCE' THE LYNCHBURG HOSE AND flRE INSURANCE COMPANY of Lynchburg Virginia will effect insur ance on lives of all persons in good health of sound con stitution i WiU take dwellings stores and other buildingsn furniture nnd merchandise generally Also take Marine risk at favorable rates John Robin McDANiKLrPresideht i Jauks Cobb Vice President Sami bo' Diuactn Chief Engineer BURCHELL Agent Of King A Burchell corner Vermont avenue oct 29 ly and 15 tb street HylA Gltl IEN Auctioneer CORPORATION WASHINGTON SIX PER Cent Stock by order of Court at On Tues day tho 15th instant I shall sell by order of Court at four clock at my auction room No 1526 Seventh street nvc Rhftres six pr ceoti Corporation of Washington Stock dividend payable quarterly which will be due on tbe 1st Januaryd 1 858 Terms cash in gold 3t! 4 A GREEN Auctioneer Hy WALT BARNARD Auctioneers Corner of Pennsylvania avenue and Oth street SALE EEGANTJEIVELRY WATcllES at Public Auction On Monday morning De cember 14th instant commencing at 10 e'cloek at store room No 583 Pennsylvania avenue ronth side between 4J and 6th streets one of the largest and most elegant aesort xuentsi of ine Geld Jewelry Watches 'Ae being the stock of reniur partner is about retiring froin husl ness and intend to cIom out their heavy stock of ine Jew elry Ac? among which may be touud i I I be (obtained at tho Bookstores' and 'at tlie LJ I iJ deoT fit! LpjrfrftY PEttQOR Pew No I (B in the Episcopal Church corner of Third and st Mufo liquirej of the Sxton or at i i I I Nd14 Market Space HI Uhfen between Seventh and Eighth sts "taMESJ lilpKIN8 Attorney at Patent Clairol11'1 fl'iner1 Orote toutheaB oorner and streets dec 4 eqlin I RElVTIifthr irst 11 ant A three story bilick House with back buildlnir iraj anti water lures containing eleven room? situated on Eighteenth xt betwech and streets Enquire of i TODD Hatter eoOt Hotel iKHLY IMrROVEn HKiHEITY for Sale or lleit The well known residence of the late i buleon jner is offered fur sale or rent The house ii iu good order has the modern improvements ndithe grounds are large and tastefully ornamented or terms a piy to JU3t UA KROLL BttENT eotf No 30 leouisiana avenue I7IKENC1I Mon Cabwtou? Jj from Paris having been taken in my employ this day I phall bo prepared to furnish dinners and suppers ftnd per tieaof eery description in the must approved style My own as well as Mons Cabantous's personal supervision given (o all parties and ware of every kiud supplied Confection nrJj pyramids fancy and plain creams ices jellies char lottes Ac of very profuse varieties and over one hundred patterns ice moulds for parties The following extra fine rench dishes I will name viz roid a la Gcled 4 Noix de Veau a la Saint Garat Lea Anguiltes aux Beurro MofitpolHer Aspic de oies Gras en Belle Vue Gclantine de airan a la Pate a la raucaise a la Gelee' I Les Chaud roid deconais aux truffo Ballotiio de Pigeon a la Gtdee ballad d'Hdrnard a la Bagnasia Potuge a la Heine Potage a la Torino Potage do Blond do Vcau Potage ala Richelieu Essence doGibicr Ijes ilets de Boeuf a la Rurse Dinde ft 1b Cbipolata i Saute do ilet de Poulet hu Supreme Patue Chaud de Caille aux Gratin ijlet de Cnneton nux gus Salmis do Perdrcuux ou Bccdse Saute rcrigueur Cotelettes de Pigeon nux Pitit* Pois Tendron de Veau en Macedoiuno Timbale de Maecaroni a la Parisian Vol ftu vent a la Toulouse With all other rench dishes that may be called for My usual Bill of are nt the usual prices Day boarders $1 per dayj weekly boarders $5 rcr week WEAVER No 347 Penn avenue opposite llctel dec 7 eolm Union i 1JISSOMJTION OE COPARTN EKSIH THE Copartnership heretofore existing' between the undersigned under the name and firm uf Haslup A Wrrden has been dissolved by mutual consent All per sons indebted to us will pay their respective indebtedness to Charles 8 Wallach and Joseph Bradley Jr trustees who are tolly authorized to receipt for the same and all persons having claims against said firm are requested to pre sent the same to said trustees LEWIS HAbLUP nov eo3w HENRY 1LWEDEN II AUNCE AIUUM WA TCI JI a K8R A AD JE WEZ No 3 I Vour and a halt street Three doors north of Penn av sign of tho Show Watches Chronometers Duplex Lever Horizontal Repeating and Musical Watches Mantel Clocks9 Jewelry and bilvet Ware repaired articles made to order4 i Watebes Jewelry Silver and Silver plated Ware tot sale dec 7t AMANUENSIS A young man Whn has thorough knowledge of the phonographic art end can write it with considerable rapidity is desirous of obtaining a situation ns an amanuensis either to some public journal or individual References furnished if desired nov eoTt I i'BKS LAKE 1 1 I Jigfjrar Knt tint tn pcHnuiKiteniu I LI i I nov 5 1 j' 1 Ptneaot lurnisneu fNo 44fi Sfc fatarl 1 nox ci I oct22 tf i I Uy Al I HA RNVRD Auctioneers Corner of ania avenue and Oth street Great sale oe fine furs in sets or Singly Chenille Shawls Silks Cloak Scarfa and Mantillas Oh Tuesday morning the 15th instant at 10 o'clock wo will sell at our store corner of 9(h street and Pennsylvania avenue one of the largest and finest of i urs ever sold in this city We name in part ine sets of German Russian and Mink Sable of German aud Russian itch Sets of Stone and Rock Martin Miok Sable aud Martin Capes Victorioes Mutf atid Quito Siberian SquirieL Coney and 'Sable urs for wear 50 new style illuminated and figured Chenille Shawls Silk velvet and plush Scarfs rich and handsome Plush and Cloth Cloaks and Dusters Xress Siks black and colored with Scarfs Mantillas And a variety of other articles not here mentioned but all of which wilVbe sold without reserve Terin ii i ALL A BARNARD Auctioneers I i TUB BEST BLWINESS ENVE1JIPES at a iolJ lar a thosnnd eyer offered for sale in this city I i Also Blank Books Bill Cap Letter and Note Pa per Mucilage Ink Inkstands Writing Desks Ne Plus Desks neat Writing Oases filled Copying Letter Books and: every thing ini the Stationery iline at the very lowest prices1 ur sale at the Bookstore uf i I i I i I a WM BALLANTYNE Idee 3t 49S Seventh street i XT EMT JIJVENILE noks Pterofo7Every JJ1 Thing and Every Thing in its Place by Alice Haven (Cunsih Allee price 75 cents This to the seventh vOlume of the! series ofi Home Books' by Cuusin Alice of both Sexes he sumo Out of of Danger 75 cents Nothing Venture Nothing Have 63 cents All's not Gold that Glitters 75 cents Patient Waiting no Loss 63 cent Contentment better that Wealth 63 cents No buck Word a 63 cents Holydays a story book for tiie With illustrations priep 50 cents George Ready or bow to live for othersl story for hoys and girll cents into the hands of a child knowing that the moral it conveys wall a I 1 i bT' I nov 30 34 I ae Short On Car4 rt i in elneie Or ddubleiharne vounu! oral anr 'es erf buthnain MH ran be if I ny JAMES McGUIRE Auctioneer SALE A El CTASS RESI deuce and adjoining Tot on Missouri avenue Under and by virtue of a deed of trust! bearing date ou the 4th day of May A 153 and recorded in Liber A 8 No 5V folios 289 2V0 and 291 one of the Innd records for Washington county in the District of Columbia we will sell at public auction in front of the premises on Thursday the iOthdaylof December next at 4 o'clock Lot Nb 10 in Square or Reservatiori A in the city of Washington together with th improvements i A part of thie lot is improved with a new and very deir able first class residence with all the modern improvements and convenience the other part is a very good site for a large house The location is perhaps the beet in this city Terms of sale One fourth cash and tho residue in four equal payments at six twelve eighteen and twenty four mouths with interest and secured by deed of trust to: the satisfaction of the trustees If the terms of sale are not com plied with within seven days from (he day of sole the trus tees reserve the right to resell at tho risk and cost of tho first purchaser! i The improved and unimproved portions of said Iqt wilj bo sold separately AU conveyancing at eost I i THOMAS ENTWISLU I WILLIAM II WARD I i i i rtr i a JAS McGUIRE Auct By JAS McGUIRE Auctioneer STOCK AT PUI1IIC On Saturjlay afler noon December I2tb at 4 at the auction rooms I shall sell in sums tn suit 1 $1826 Corporation of Vashington 6 per Cent Stock 500 Davenport Iowa 10 per cent Bonds Terms cash in current funds JAS Mod UIRE ec i Auctioneer BY McGUIRE Auctioneer urnitlire and house keeping Enict at Auction On Saturday morning December 12th at 10 in front of the Auction 'Rooms shall sell the urniture and Effects of a gentleman declining housd keep ing comprising Mahogany hair spring Sofa Rocker and parlor Chairs Do case Piano orte Lounge Jlat trer cane and wood seat Chairs Marble Centre end Sofa Tables Whatnot 'i Parlor and Chamber Carpet Oilcloth Rugs Window Curtains Cornice and Shades I Dressingnd plain Bureaus Washstands 1 Cottage and other Bedsteads Mattresses eather Beds Bolsters and Pillows 5Iahogany Sideboards ire Irens China Glass and Crockery Ware Refrigerator patent Washing Machine a i Cooking Stove Kitchen Utensils Ac i Terms ca JAS McGUIRE dec 10 Auctioneer 1Y A GKEEN HOUSEHOLD and Kitchen Eurntturc Blankets Market Wagon Ac at On Saturday the 12th instant I shall sell at 10 A a largo as sortment of Household urniture 1 40 pairs line 10 and 11 quarter riband bound Blankets One excellent covered Market Wagon i Terms cash) A GREEN dee 1 2t Star It Auctioneer By 1IOTELER Auctioneer SALE DESIRABLE BUILD 1 lotii on Maryland avenue northeast of the On Saturday the 12th day ef December instant atclo clock by virtue ef a deed of trust recorded in liber A SNo 104 one of the land records of Washing ton county in tho District of Columbia I shall at pub lic auction on the premises to the highest feidderj the fol lowing lots or parcels of property to wit 3 i Lots numbered 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 tf 10 sdl and 12 in subdivision ofjsqunre snutfi of square numbered uiua htn Jted and fifteena laid down and designated 'on the plan or plat of said city id i Terms of safe Three hundred dollars the purchase money be paid in cash and tho reiiduo thereof in throe equal instalments at 6 12 and eighteen months with inte rest from the day of sale for which tie purchaser will give his promissory! notes secured by deed of trqst on the pre mises jf All conveyances at the expense of the purchaser i The trustee yviil convey such title as is vested in him Ly said deed of tryst i Title believed to be indisputable i SPALDING Trustee Ads fC liQTKLER Auctioneer Hats Uibees manufacturer Received per lata ar id ur (ale at A CO i ir3S 1 Hotel Penn avenue i i Tnwm CT Into houae contains all the modern fewente faraaeecomplete! water fixture' Ejiise can be eacri from 10 to 12 dailJw Apply to Wm JAMES McGUIRE Auctioneer 8AJLE VtLUAUl IMPROV JL cd Property the corner of Pennsylvania ave nue and Nineteenth Oq Tuesday afternoon Janu aryAth at 4 o'clock on the premises by virtue of a dccS of trust dated November 1 854 and recorded in Liber A No 89 folios 375 ct eeq one of the land records for AV ash ington county the iubecriber will sell at pnblie auction to the highest bidder (he following described property viz: Beginning at the Intersection of Pennsylvania avenue and 19th street and running thence wcrtwardly along tho lino of said avenue to tho eputro uf thcewall which divides the east ernmost house of the row known as tho Seven EuildiuZ from the second house of the said row commencing fromfihe east end thereof thence northwardly along the centre oAthe said dividing wall the yard wall and along the west lineXcf tbe stablo on said lot to the alley thence eastwardly aloiog the line of the said alley to said 19th street jthcnco south wardly along tbe lino of said 19th street to thb placeof beX ginning with tho improvements consisting of an excellent' three story brick dwelling house with brick stables Ac Terms made known at sale WM A MIX Trustee dee Union McGUIRE Atieu By JASiC McGUIREv Auctioneer BY VIRTUE A DEED TRUST from Thos Williams to' me made on the 28th dav of January 1857 and recorded in Liber A No 129 folio 11 et seq one of the land records of Washington county District of Columbia I shall sell at publie auction to tbe highest bidder in rvoilt the premises at 4 oa Munday IbellthMay' of January 1S5S part of Lot 12 in Square No 29 1 with the improvements thereon being a two story and attic Buck Dwelling house situated on the west side of I 2th street between Pennsylvania avenue and street north 1 Terms of sale cash All conveyance at the cost of tho purchaser and to he roj sold at his risk and Cost if the terms are not complied with iu uc irum uay di saie I JUT The Congregational Church on ifth street west of the City Hall has been repaired and repainted Public worship is to bo resumed and preaching by tbe Pas tor Rev Go Bassitt on Sunday 13th instant at 11 o'clock A AL and at that hour on Sundays thereafter Rev Slduey Dean of the House Represen tatives will preach in the Dunbarton street Methodist Church Georgetown on Sunday next at 11 A aud Rev John Lanahan in the same placet nt 7 New Jerusalem Church North Capitol street between and At 11 intho forenoon the subject of the sermon will bo the payment of the tax with money token from the mouth of the fis(t and in the afternoon at 3J on the transmission of dispositions and tendencies from parents to children Religious The Disciples will attend Divine worship on to morrow morning at 1 dfelock in Dr church on 13th street and at 7J at night Elder Bubnett of New York will Universal Rev Mr Wbjtney of tlie State of Now York will preach a morning discourse at Tem perance Ilall on to morrow morning at 11 o'clock wb(Je year I a Christmas jlhis Is one 4f those Rjooks that the parent 'Can safely put a a i ii i A xeej LU ta vvu sty will make hiuijwBer and better Jut received ned for snle BLANCHARD A MOHITN corfief of Penn avenue and 11th street 5 Uqion i 7 I 1 Something New in the Printing Line 1 PATENT OSCILLATING PRINTING i' 1 MACHINE i The moist perfect Press of the day THEiunderiigned hasjnst put up in his establishment one of) these lately invented Printing Machiuos working op an entire new principle and throwing off impressions with the greatest speed beauty apd finish not before attained by any other Printing Press Ha will bo pleased to show its) opcrntim to all who take an intercstjn now inventions! i A large varitjty ot NcwType and other materials have recently been! added to his establishment which en i ables him to exejuto every description of Printing with greater rapidity fiealuess anil cheapness than heretofore Printingin German rench and Spanish promptly i as A I 1 CI A 1A taVA AWilLVliJ ty'mvu) Mee 5 entlfit I LOST 41 the 7th instnut between the Bank bf 'Washingtonaid the iBank jof Metropolis a CltECk I irafn by idor on the Bank of Washington for thirty LjlUrt BTUtoirtV cqntj (5301) payable to bearer i The finder will return the rame to tle Marshal Ltfiee to ill Payment baa been stopped i dec 19 i YYTANTElLr Twc fWheeler A Sewing Ms chides ip joed order foriwhieh a fair price will )o said mI'plicati pat the Washington Machine Shirt acto Jr Ninth street seri'u doors frem enn avenue Alf0 unofer tvi good operators tho above machines Idee I' "AIKIS QPL5RA An invoice of Paris lOperar ir HILLMAN Principal of the Grammar School COLLINS Presidcntof tho College IMPROVE YOUR KVJI ri STRENGTII anil assist them by the Paris Op tician WOOLSON who has arrived from Europe with his own as well as the manufacture of a good many others of tbe latest improved Spectacles and Eye Glasses among which ore tho Periscopic Concave and Convex tho double focus and double polished Brazilian Crystals Peb bles Jtc which are warranted to improve any eye affected with weakness cataract or tending to it Also short sight edness Persons who coiupelledtauseglasses orthose nowusing them will be suited at Jint eight Those wonderful Double Polished Crystal Rook have received tbe high est recommendations at the air at Paris through their producing a clearness and easiness to tho vision hereto fore unknown Also all styles of Opera Spy and Magnifying Glasses Comparer and Microscopes aro for sale nt his store corner of Eighth street and Pennsylvania avenue or Eighth street No 4tfl Prices very reasonable the same as he had in his esta blishment in Europe npv 10 iyr HtTEI Penn avenue between 17 tit and 18th streets Washington TI1S establishment i newly furnished and ar ranged on tho most modern and improved principles with private apartments Ac The bar is supplied with the choicest of winos and liquors Game and other delicaeies iu season Hot and cold lunch from 1 A' until 12 nov 23 eotf 'TIUE Certificates of tax sale for Lots Nos 47 and 49 in square No 465 and part bf Lot No 2 in square No 754 having been Ion or mislaid the undersigned here by gives notieo that ho shall ask their renewal in ten days from this date dee 3t EDW SIMMS PROPOSALS will be received by the undersigned until 12 51 of the 21st in tant fr grading and gravel ling Sixth street east from street south to Virginia ave nue The bids will state the price per square yard including the grading and gravelling STEPHEN COSTER ofi 5th and 6th Wards A AV MILLER JAMES JONES doell Ah8t OR SALE 25 (MIO ruit Trees of the choicest kinds comprising Dwarf Standard Pyramid aud Apaliers Also the best collection of hardy perpetual bloom ing Kones to be found in America Alan Ornamental Plants and Shrubs Climbing and Parlor Planks Ae JI invito the attention of the public my collection as it comprises tho newest and best from Europe and America All Tpfees and Plants warnftited true to name and of first quality A JARDIN I lorist land Nurseryman nov eolm Connecticut avenue corner of 8th st QUPEKB PIANOS I have now in store the largest most varied and moft reliable stock of Pianos over uttered in this city consisting of ull Grand Parlor and Semi Grand Louis XIV style carved and plain Pianos from the justly acknowledged best manufactories iu the United States The facilities for procuring Pianos (always buying for cash) his long experience in business in this city enables him to offer Pianos at prices lower than any other establishment in the city i Second hand instpiments taken in part payment Pianos rented fof evening week month or year Pianos and other instruments sold upon monthly pay ments Pianos packed tuned repaired Ac JOHN ELLIS No 300 Pa avenue between 9th and 10th streets 4 doors from loth street north side dee fit Star States Union News 'Globe si fi I iTfTSii 200 bbls No 1 St Herrings 200 do do Alewives The ftbove are a very superior lot of ish just received and for sale low by ELDRIDGE ec VniQH Whjarf Alexandria Va Backing house of ciWBiriiROTimRs Opposite Depo5itcs received and checks paid with oit charge Drafts on tbe Northern seaboard cities received on depositeftt par and exchange on said cities furnished to lepositors without charge Interest on Depoaite JIntgrost will be allowed on de posites at such rates may bo agreed upon DcMieltea in Virgin! vcitrrr De posited iu Virginia aud other uncurrent money received to bo checked for paytle in same funds or in jecie we charging i be regular exchOge l)iico ii ta Notes drafts and bills of exchange will be discounted and loans made on stocks bonds and securities at toe market rate Letters of Letters of credit will be furnished negotiable in toe different cities of the United States on de posite nf money or collaterals and interest allowed if money is deposited aud charged if collaterals on such terms as may be agreed upoa Travelling Hille of xcdiange Travellers will bo fur nished with drafts in such sums us may be desired negotiable the different citiea of the Union Bills and etters ol Credit on ICnland Ireland and other partaot Bills ofeiohange and letters of credit on England Ireland and Europe furnished at the market rate for exchange in sums to suit Bonds Stocks fcc Bonds stocks land securities pay ing from fi to 12 percent always for sole or bought in the different cities at a commission of a pet eent Where stocks are bought upon orders we reserve the right to call for a de posite of 10 percent un the cost Bonds or stocks will be ordered by telegraph llaiifuaL City and State Railroad city and State bonds can bo placed in our hands for negotiation cither in this country or Europe Railroad iron purchased for cash ur with bonds I apd Warrants Land warrantbought at tho market rates All warrants sold by us are guarantied in every re spect Land warrants locate! on commission Land warrant quotations regularly furnished if requested Warrants will be forwarded to Western houses un orders or sent for sale on commission to responsible parties Beal rotate and Real estate bought' and sold and insurances effected Claims on the United States Court of Claims Con Claims on tbe United Stales before the Court of Claims or Congress entrusted to us will be prosecuted by prompt and able attorneys CHUBB BROTHERS nov 30 opposite the Treanry SAE By virtue of two writs of fieri facias issued from the Clerk's office of the Criminal Court of tbe District of Columbia and to me directed I shallexpose to sole at 12 O'clock at public auction for cash in front of the Court house door in Washington city on Mon day the 11th of January 1858 the following described pro perty viz All right title claim nnd interest in nnd to lots Nos one (1) thirty sevcti (37) nnd thirty eight (38) and the east half of lot No two (2) in reserva tion A in Washington city with the improvement? Seized and levied upon as tho property of David A Hall and will bo sold to satisfy Judicials No? 3 nnd (S to December term 1852 in favor of the United States RICHARD WALLACH dec 9 dts Into Marshal District of Columbia I i i jTfught't the city by rt gentleman for HA lt a 4 A I 1 i a '4 art a a I 1 i I i dkV If if if 4 I i'i rt I I I 1 1 I i Uti I I i a I II I I 1).

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About Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express Archive

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Daily National Intelligencer and Washington Express from Washington, District of Columbia (2024)
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Author: Lidia Grady

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Views: 5554

Rating: 4.4 / 5 (45 voted)

Reviews: 92% of readers found this page helpful

Author information

Name: Lidia Grady

Birthday: 1992-01-22

Address: Suite 493 356 Dale Fall, New Wanda, RI 52485

Phone: +29914464387516

Job: Customer Engineer

Hobby: Cryptography, Writing, Dowsing, Stand-up comedy, Calligraphy, Web surfing, Ghost hunting

Introduction: My name is Lidia Grady, I am a thankful, fine, glamorous, lucky, lively, pleasant, shiny person who loves writing and wants to share my knowledge and understanding with you.